Tuesday, November 30, 2010

So my Graduation Project is done. Which is great. Yay...and now I'm allowed to have senioritis.

Well, not exacrtly. I still have to get through the rest of the second marking period and then it will be Christmas. Speaking of Christmas these are just a few things I am asking for this year.


check it out: I've wanted one for so long and now they have it!!

AH I JUST DIED. I had originally asked my relatives to get me a Gryffindor hoodie. Forget that. And actually, it's the same price, and I'd rather have the Hufflepuff one.

Friday, November 12, 2010

For Jenny Crocker

This is a post.

Hey I've been really busy with school, GP is around the corner and I will hopefully be back in the swing of things around Thanksgiving.
