Tuesday, November 30, 2010

So my Graduation Project is done. Which is great. Yay...and now I'm allowed to have senioritis.

Well, not exacrtly. I still have to get through the rest of the second marking period and then it will be Christmas. Speaking of Christmas these are just a few things I am asking for this year.


check it out: I've wanted one for so long and now they have it!!

AH I JUST DIED. I had originally asked my relatives to get me a Gryffindor hoodie. Forget that. And actually, it's the same price, and I'd rather have the Hufflepuff one.


  1. AHH that ringg!! and the tightss!!

  2. Nice wish list!! Isn't it great to have GP done and over with?!

    Much love, miss ya xx
