Sunday, June 20, 2010

GP Post #1

Article: Muslims beat the drum for heritage and peace
Writer: Chris Mondics

This article is a short overview of a cultural event that took place on Saturday. While this is not "Breaking News" or very interesting it was news to me. No where on the television did I see any coverage of this event. I think I know why: It was for Muslims. In the article Mondics touches base on the sensitive topic of Muslims in the middle east.

The reporter even goes so far as to interview a young Muslim woman with her two young brothers. She says, "...we're not about blowing up planes and cars," I am glad that the writer provided this statement, although I never assume a person is a stereotype it was good to see a normal person stand up for their faith.

As a Catholic I can find myself a bit detached from all of the goings on in the middle east but I do my best to understand it. I appreciated the statement from another woman who said that "the internet spreads a lot of hate." This point is a good way to consider how the newspaper and the internet interact with people.

On one hand the Internet is fast, easy and recent; it can also be biased, uncensored [which can be a good or a bad thing], and incorrect. Newspapers tend to be reliable, stable and they provide a lot of information in such a small amount of space. However, newspapers may only come out every Sunday, making them slow and you have to pay for it.

Knowing this I plan to post every Sunday with a post about an article from the newspaper, all other days of the week will be from the internet.

I hope this is fun.


  1. You should include links to any online articles you use, and say which paper it's in! I'd like to see these articles in print so I can learn more ^_^. Thanks!


  2. Cool, thanks for the advice. I think this one is from the Inquirer.
