Monday, August 2, 2010

Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep! Jeremy!

Hold on Stacy, that's my other line. Oh Hey Jeremy!

So who's a girl who can fangirl over just about anything? And a girl who underestimates her love for Disney celebrities? ME!

On July 31st I went to a free concert in the city. Because my friend Alyssa works for a newspaper and has connections she got us Press Passes. Four years ago she and I attended the same place to the Jonas Brothers, but we were way back in the crowd. This time we were right in front of the stage. As soon as we walked into the roped off area every girl hanging over the gate screamed "What? Why do they get to go there?!" It was great.

Some of the people who preformed were the Philadelphia Mo-town group, Josie [this girl who I think was lip syncing], Cody Simpson, Jason Castro and Mitchel Musso.

Before the show started we got to go back into the dressing rooms to interview Jason Castro. He was on American Idol and is super nice. He also wears Converse, which is a win.

Then as we were walking out of the dressing rooms we ran into Cody Simpson, an adorable 13 year old Australian kid. Some people in the crowd said he reminded them of Justin Beiber but his voice is much more reasonable for his age, whereas Justin Beiber's voice sounds much too young for being sixteen.

Alyssa and I were going to have to leave before Mitchel Musso went on, which Alyssa was extremely upset about. When we were about to leave I noticed there were a few people standing outside the door we had come out of earlier that morning. So, camera in hand, I walked up to the security guard and said "Hey, can I get in with this?" and I held up my pass. He nodded and let us in. Sure enough there was Mitchel taking pictures with a small line of people.

We got in line and that's when I realized...I was shaking. It was the same kind of shaking that I got right before presenting in class. Why in the world am I nervous about meeting a Disney celebrity? It wasn't until after it was over did I understand why: Mitchel Musso does the voice of Jeremy on Phinias and Ferb.

I should have behaved like this, calm and cool, how I always said I would be around celebrities. But instead I acted like this. OooOh Jeremy. My God, his voice is really nice. And he was talking to us!!! Take note to where his hand is on my right arm. I nearly died, he was petting me with his thumb...there is no other way to describe this. And Alyssa had no idea what I was talking about.

He was so nice! The first thing Alyssa said was "Hi, I'm Alyssa, I interviewed you over the phone two days ago." He responded with "Of course! Alyssa! It was nice talking to you, I was on set when I called you." Then Alyssa mentioned how she was in London last week, which confused Mitchel because it was so random and he thought she was from London. Then there was a moment where Alyssa said "Oh, wait the picture," and he immediately said, "No, please, keep talking to me." Which is funny because when Alyssa interviewed him over the phone she said he couldn't shut up.

As Alyssa went to get the camera I turned to him and said "Could you sign this," and handed him my pass. He said "Of course!" like it was no big deal at all. My God, my hands were shaking. I can't help but laugh at my silliness and how stupid it was of me to freak out like that but he was crazy nice and even though in the picture above I look silly because I'm talking it shows that he likes to talk and he's a fun guy. I don't regret not seeing his performance.

This had to be one of the best days ever. I kind of wanted to record his voice because it was so nice. This morning I saw that there was an episode of Hannah Montana where Oliver came back. Of course I watched it and smiled at how adorable his hair was. I never would have thought anything of him if I hadn't met him, but I guess he's just one of those celebrities, you have to see them to believe them.

Here, have a video. It's a shame the sound quality is bad because if Alyssa and I had been there we could have gotten it to actually sound okay. We would have been in front of all of those screaming girls. Hahah funny "dancing." Nice guy, though.


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