Sunday, July 11, 2010

Music of the week

This post was inspired by my cousin Lauren! She has great ideas.

1. Womanizer: Britney Spears
That's right, I jumped on that bandwagon. As soon as this came out I knew I had to get her new CD. After her failed comeback, a shamed one at that, I had little hope for her, but this CD is great and I recommend it.

2. Imagine: Glee Cast
I cannot wait for this show to come back. Get me some of that Artie. Yeah, that's right. I've known about this wonderful man called Kevin McHale since his boy band days. Boy band? What's that, you say? Well they broke up for him to do Glee but he was really great in that too.

3. Cancer: My Chemical Romance
Such a sad song. I love this band, honestly. I know a lot of people say "MCR saved my life," I believe it. This is a band that can bring out the strangest sides in people, my mom even likes this CD. I want another!

4. Disco: Metro Station
I will admit, I do usually skip this song. In this album there are only a few good songs. I believe this is one of my good friend's favorite song of theirs. [The grammar in that last sentence, I'm sorry.]

5. My Beautiful Woman: Backstreet Boys
You know that song that is singing about your gender and when you sing it out loud it just sounds weird to other people? This is that song. It is so catchy and it's great to sing, and dance along to.

6. Hate U: 2pm
What a band. I feel for them, they lost their leader in a mysterious ordeal. There are no words to express how awful I feel for them when I listen to "Tired of Waiting."

7. Get Back: Demi Lovato
I have to admit, I was nervous about this album when I saw this music video. After watching Camp Rock and witnessing the horrible "dancing" preformed by Demi I was worried for her singing career. I do like her voice though.

8. Again and Again: 2pm
I still love this band, even two numbers down. Good song, that's pretty much it.

9. Losing It: Nevershoutnever
I love this album, it's a little short, but I love it.

10. She's a Handsome Woman: Panic! at the Disco
Good band to end a post on. This album is awesome. It's great for the bus during the spring, it just bleeds springtime. As opposed to their previous album that was sex, lies and, well, more sex. This band! I just love their vocabulary in everything they do. Now I want to listen to the whole album.

Thanks to Lawn for the great idea.


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