Friday, August 20, 2010

Day 11: MOOOO is more like Moauoaahaha!

That's right, everything you thought you knew about cows is wrong. Those cute little children's books that told you that "A cow says "Moo,"" it's lying to you! How can you trust me about this?

I just spent four hours in front of cows. Cows that were staring me down. Daring me to challenge their very distinct form of communication.

Remember that post I wrote about the Grange Fair that I had never heard of? Well this is that fair. It was really interesting. I'm lying, you may think one day "I'd really love to learn more about farm animals." Don't. Or, if you do, don't do it at a fair.

It's pretty scary. I don't mean "AH! Serial killer cow!" I mean it's really strange to see young people handling animals almost five times their size. It's also a little sad to see these animals that are used to being in large fields in a small pavilion. It mean, it wasn't inhuman, but the cows did not want to be there.

Jeff was covering the judging of all of the farm animals. He had told me that the day before the goat judging took over four hours. A lot of the time was spent watching cows and smelling their various bodily functions. [It was like being at a zoo but only staying around the Rhinos].

It was one of the less exciting days for my GP but I learned a lot about Al Pacas and Cows. I don't think I will ever see these animals the same way again.


Hour Tracker: 36:00

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